This is important to everyone in the industry, but sometime we all can get a little careless, and may not know that we are doing something that can cause hearing loss. I’m am not saying you need to be paranoid by anything that makes noise, but just be aware and cautious. The world can be […]
How To Mix Guitar
For centuries most music was based around the guitar as the leading instrument providing rhythm. Today that is not the case, however the guitar is still playing a huge role in modern music. So, how do you get that killer guitar tone in your mixes? Whether you’re recording hard rock, smooth jazz, funk, or any […]
What Is The Best Condenser Microphone Under $200?
If you are on a budget and really need a solid microphone that will do the job, what should you buy? Recording Hacks has an indepth review on 7 microphones in the $200 price range. They took these microphones and recorded a couple different instruments and have the results as a blind test, letting you […]
Sure Steps to Silencing Sibilance
This can be one of the biggest headaches of tracking or mixing a vocalist. Sibilance is all the S’s, T’s, and Z’s that really stick out and can be quiet bothersome and loud. So how do you get rid of all these stubborn syllables with out taking away from a vocal performance? There are a […]
How To Re-Amp
Re-Amping has become a huge part of modern day recording and has given audio engineers even more fine-tune control of their guitar tones. Re-Amping is the process of taking a recorded Guitar DI track and playing it back through pedals, processors, and amps to re-record it. As you can imagine this give way to endless […]
How To Mix Faster
It is a great feeling to have all the time in the world to work on a mix but most often that is not the case. So how to you spend up your mixing with out sacrificing quality? This is an art form that many engineers continually improve upon throughout their careers. The key to […]
Illogical Techniques For Mixing
Are you ever mixing and you try something that logically shouldn’t work but for some reason it does? There are a lot of strange mixing techniques out there that may surprise you. Did you know you could use compression to add attack? Or that you can add distortion to give something more clarity? Or adding […]
So You Want To Make A Vinyl Record
Vinyl has made a huge come back in recent years and more and more bands are releasing vinyl then you mite think. So as an engineer, what should you be doing to be prepared for this? First you need to know what vinyl really is and what its physical limitations are, and that you can […]
Near Field Speaker Placement
The placement of near field monitors is something that is often disputed and there are many theories out there about what sounds best, but it all comes down to getting the highest amount of fidelity from the speakers to your ears. So push all the theories aside and think about the science behind it. Rather […]
Recording A B3 and Leslie
If you ever get the chance to record a B3 and Leslie make sure you are prepared and know how to mic it. The B3 is one of the most popular organs in modern studio recording so you are bound to run across one at some point. If you have never seen or used a […]