Final Project. Full speed ahead!

Cage The Elephant

Barefoot-Digi-ConsoleOne of our audio engineering classes is in middle of their final project! There’s a lot of work and a lot of learning going on here. The class recorded a 6 song EP for artist Andrew Chastain. In addition to tracking the sessions, the students do all of the editing, tuning and mixing with constructive input and final say from our head audio engineer and instructor Dave Hagen (of Youtube kick drum fame ha!)


Tackling The Project Hands-On

While everybody took turns tracking we took a little different approach with post-production this time. With the class size of 9 students, (we keep our classes small soStudents-editing that everyone gets plenty of hands-on experience with the studio equipment over the 17 weeks) we had six of the students take one song each from preliminary edits all the way through final mix and had 3 students do alternate mixes of those songs. Each students gets to use their exclusive iMac with Pro Tools, the complete Waves bundle, Melodyne, Auto-Tune and many more tools to get the job done. We’ll put the mixes head to head to see how different people approach mixing a track and compare and contrast each.

The final EP’s done by these students are industry quality and sound fantastic. Just recently, we had a Final Project EP done by our students climb the Billboard charts! Read our blog post on that for more.

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