Market Yourself in the Music Industry: Blogging

What better way is there to show you are experienced and knowledgeable than with a blog?  This is a great way to show how smart you are to a global audience without sounding like a know it all!  This can be a great springboard for an opportunity or even a job in the Music Industry.

Here’s how to get the most out of your blog!


  1. Take time to create a visually pleasing and modern looking page.  WordPress and Blogger offer great templates that you can modify pretty easily.  Make yours stand out and different from others.
  2. Be sure to create an “About me” section and “Contact” as well.  What good is sharing your knowledge if no one has a way of contacting you? Also be sure to put why people should trust what you have to say in your Bio.  It may not sound like much to you, but it’s still experience and knowledge you have picked up.
  3. Be Unique.  Aside from the overall appearance, make it stand out from the 1000’s of others.  Maybe you have a certain theme or you review gear in Haikus. But make it your own!  Add your sense of humor or your brutal honesty.
  4. Be Consistent.  If you commit to blogging, you should publish one at least once a week.  Blogging can be very time consuming, so try to have a couple in reserves that you can schedule for a later date!  You don’t want to OVER saturate your audience though, rather than blogging everyday, maybe use the days in between to network and communicate with your readers.  Spend the time to make them unique and interesting.
  5. Be an expert.  Believe it or not, you are an expert in something, even if it’s acoustics, home recording, Microphones or Analog Recording.
  6. Be open.  Take suggestions and criticisms professionally, if someone bashes your opinion, just take the higher road.  And NEVER DELETE A POST!
  7. Be sure to put your social media and networking links!  This will give your readers a way to build a relationship with you.



Using these tips you can create a professional and informative blog.  Having a blog cannot only lead to potential relationships, but even potential sponsorships and freebies!

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