Top 5 Best Christmas Song Covers

Well Christmas is just around the corner.  It’s time to get out the tunes and get in the holiday spirit.  What better way to do that then to list our Top 5 Christmas Song covers.  In no particular order these songs will put you in the Holiday Spirit without bells and organs.


chris_cornellChris Cornell:  Ava Maria

Ok, so this one may be a little personal.  But awesome nonetheless.  My brother came home from school one day and asked me if I heard the Chris Cornell version of Ave Maria.  Something just didn’t feel right about that statement.   Cornell, a tenor through and through, but Ave Maria?

No.  Sure enough my brother got a copy of the album (Before the days you could go on a computer and listen to anything ever recorded) and played it for me.  There’s something about it that makes me imagine his mom making the “This is torture, but you tried so hard” face when he played it for her.  You know the one, when you get a gift from someone that is completely not what you wanted, but you don’t want to hurt their feelings by telling them that.  Like a gun rack for your birthday when you don’t own a single gun which would necessitate an entire rack.  Either way, nothing shouts Christmas, like Chris Cornell!


download (1)SR-71: Christmas is the Time to Say I Love You

This tune just makes me happy.  Originally performed by Billy Squier, Yes the “Stroke me, Stroke me” Guy, this version by SR-71 makes it feel like Christmas in a Jennifer Love Hewitt movie. Honestly I just put it on here because it makes me dance and smile a little.


jason-mraz-artist-photoJason Mraz: Winter Wonderland

Something for the Ladies, you know?




94853587Frank Sinatra & Cyndi Lauper: Santa Claus is Coming to Town

I know what you’re thinking.  “Really?”  But think about it, what do you think the Producer, Engineer, Musicians, Publicists, Managers and even Frank and Cyndi themselves said when someone suggested this.  My only guess is that they needed one more song for the album called it a night and headed to a bar, where this became a great idea.  Either that, or Sinatra was a huge Cyndi Lauper Fan.  I like to think the latter.

All Joking aside, this is a GREAT version of “Santa Claus is coming to town.” It actually beat of the Boss’s version of it for me.  Something for everyone!  I won’t hold my breath for the Josh Groban/Lady Gaga Version.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPowder: Christmas Don’t be Late (The Chipmunk Song)

If you hate the chipmunks, and who can blame you, then this is the version for you.  Plus, Lady Singers are awesome in rock bands.  Powder, who was Paramore before Paramore, gives you a little something to head bang to in the car during the holidays!


Honorary Mention

run-dmc-santa-hatsRun DMC: Christmas in Hollis

Basically because it’s not a cover, but what list would be complete without Run DMC?


There you have it, my 5 best Christmas Cover Songs!  But while researching this list I may have assembled the 5 WORST Christmas cover songs ever.  So keep an eye out for that!


Did we miss you favorite?  Did we get it completely wrong?  Let us know by commenting below!

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