
What Does A Video Game Sound Designer Do?

You’re on a boat with the other soldiers, you hear the motor of the vessel you are in, the other guys breathing, the waves splashing on the hull as the boat bounces.  The boat grinds to a halt and BOOM!  There is an explosion that literally rocks your living room. I love video games, I […]

Spitfire’s Hans Zimmer Percussion Library

If you are a movie score nerd like I am there are a few sounds that make your heart flutter: John Williams’ Brass, Ennio Morricone’s Strings and Hans Zimmer’s Percussion.  As a Composer and songwriter myself, I am also always on the look out for high quality affordable VST’s and Samples.   Although a product […]

DHI Graduate Jorge Bannister Lands Gig in Rhode Island

Many people think that studying Music Production or Audio Engineering means you have to find a job in a studio.  This couldn’t be further from the truth, in fact, front of house jobs are in high demand not only IN the US, but around the globe! We had the opportunity to catch up with one […]

Organizing Cables in your Home Recording Studio

Studios come in all shapes, sizes and colors.  The Gear you use in it will vary depending on how tolerant your neighbors are, but one thing that stays the same is the importance of keeping your home recording studio organized.  Organization of cables and wires will keep you from tugging on  wires, taking more time […]

Learn How to Record Acoustic Guitar in your Home Studio

Recording any acoustic instrument is tricky.  Many people believe that you have to have a completely sound proof room, the musician has to breath as silent as possible and it’s going to be impossible to get a clean sound. With acoustic guitar many engineers make the mistake of recording solely from the direct out.  So […]

Zach McCord Wins Nashville Dream Recording Contest

After 2 months, over 200 videos and 50,000 voters Zach McCord originally of Bridgeport, WV and now Phoenixville, PA won the First Nashville Dream Recording Contest.  Zach, a Worship Intern at LifePoint Church, and an incredibly talented songwriter and performer. He won the final round with 8872 votes for his song “Wait”.  Zach will now […]

Keeping Track of your Tracks: Labeling your Tracks

With the digital world making it easier to take your work anywhere you go, it makes it harder to keep track of what you were working on.  Files with the same name, different sizes, different dates…where is the one you are looking for?  Pro Sound Web’s Mark Marshall has some great suggestions and the importance of […]

Are You Sitting Too Far From Your Studio Monitors?

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Auralex President and Founder Eric Smith yesterday.  If you are in recording or live sound, you surely know the Auralex Brand.  One thing that struck many of us by surprise, but will certainly change the way we mix is that we are usually sitting in the wrong […]

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