
Gear We Love: Genelec 8010 Studio Monitor

Space in our studios has become a valuable commodity.  Home Studios, Vans and portable studios are becoming more prevalent due to advances in technology making it easier to take everything you need with you.  One area that remained a problem was lugging around heavy, expensive and delicate monitors.  The Genelec 8010 has made that a […]

Who DHI Students Have Worked With

We get this question a lot.  We haven’t posted it before because we feel that every job and gig is just as important as the next.  Likewise, we also do not treat a Grammy or even Emmy winning acts any different than an independent artist.  But since we have been asked , we decided to share […]

The Power of the Picture: How Sharing Photos will boost your Fanbase

Working hard at social media is one thing, working smart is another.  I know countless acts, artists, professionals and business owners who are really great at staying active and engaging with their social media.  But they can’t seem to get likes, retweets, share or repins.  When they come to me to take a look at […]

How #MusicMonday can help you gain Fans

How many of you have seen the #musicmonday hashtags?  Did you know that Music Mondays can actually help you gain fans? Here’s the Breakdown: #MusicMonday is a hashtag that people use to share music, most of it is not theirs.  Meaning it is fans sharing what they are listening to or enjoy.  If you aren’t […]

Why Are the Beatles Important to Music History?

It’s been over 50 years since the Beatles made their debut on the Ed Sullivan Show. Opinions vary with each subsequent generation over the significance of their influence, from “The Beatles are the greatest band in history!” to “The Beatles are terrible, I don’t care about them.”  Usually the latter is due a generational gap, […]

How to Make Money offering Music Services

Home studios have obviously sprung up like dandelions with the accessibility of affordable and high quality gear.  So have musicians recording in their closets and basements.  So why aren’t you capitalizing off of it?  You can make money offering music services that these home recording musicians can’t do themselves. What you offer is up to […]

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