Recording Arts Students Engineer A Billboard Success
The song is the current single from their recent 6-song release recorded as part a final project for audio engineering students inside the recording studios of Dark Horse Institute. “Hearing the news…brings back a lot of awesome memories…” says former class member Brian Strickert, “When our class met Ben, Michael and Brady the magic started happening…they are lot of fun.”
These recording sessions are part of a bigger learning process at Dark Horse Institute. Recording arts students prepare for weeks and weeks to hone the knowledge and skills that culminate for what becomes their masterpiece at the end of the program. Each student in the class is responsible for a song from start to finish; that means the recording, editing and mixing will be completed by audio engineers in training. In addition to members of the class, other variables include the musical genre and the particular DHI instructor who will oversee the entire process.
“Working with I Am Spartacus was like a dream. As an engineer or producer, they are exactly the kind of band you want to record and work with,”recalls Shelby Lanterman – another DHI alum turned blossoming audio engineer and performer. “They [I Am Spartacus] are genuinely nice, welcoming guys that immediately light up the room and make you happy. On top of being great people, they make amazing music that you can’t stop rocking out and singing to!”
Ultimately each of the 6 students can claim audio engineering credit for their contribution to the song “The Last Stand” and the I Am Spartacus EP “Unite” as a whole. If you’d like to listen to the song, you can find it for sale on iTunes HERE or listen for free on the band’s WEBSITE.