Category: Music Recording Information

Learn How to Record Acoustic Guitar in your Home Studio

Recording any acoustic instrument is tricky.  Many people believe that you have to have a completely sound proof room, the musician has to breath as silent as possible and it’s going to be impossible to get a clean sound. With acoustic guitar many engineers make the mistake of recording solely from the direct out.  So […]

Keeping Track of your Tracks: Labeling your Tracks

With the digital world making it easier to take your work anywhere you go, it makes it harder to keep track of what you were working on.  Files with the same name, different sizes, different dates…where is the one you are looking for?  Pro Sound Web’s Mark Marshall has some great suggestions and the importance of […]

How to make your songs sound better in iTunes

An Engineer friend of mine shared an interesting video with me.  The video is by Ian Shepherd of  Ian illustrates why the loudness wars are destroying the quality of music in digital playback.  Using several U2 reference pieces over the past 30 years, Ian shows us why it’s important to mix your CD’s as dynamically, […]

How to Properly Prepare for a Recording Session

There’s a myth out there that musicians can just walk into a studio with their instrument plug in and start tracking.  This couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Honestly you will save a lot of money, stress and arguments if you plan ahead.  After all you are paying by the day or hour, why waste […]

Tutorial Tuesday: How to Get the most while Recording Vocals

   When it comes to recording vocals, there a lot of things to factor in.  Since the voice is the only instrument that can’t be blamed for sounding bad, you have to take extra care with vocalists.  From the first timer to the veteran, there are things that you as an engineer or producer can […]

The New Console: Solid State Logic 6000E

This past Saturday we brushed off the sleep fairies to wake up extremely early (OK 7am is early for Audio People) for a special delivery.  That delivery was our new (old, but new to us) SSL 6000E Series Console!  Check out some of our photos below and I’ll tell ya a little about them!   […]

Headphone Mix In The Studio

You may not think of it this way but, a good headphone mix in the studio can make a huge difference in the outcome of the sessions. In some ways the headphones are the biggest part of a session and without a good mix, the players and singer won’t be able to hear and performer […]

Learn How To Solder

If you are an audio engineer and you looking for a way to broaden your skills, learning how to solder can be a very valuable skill to have. Often times issues that arise with gear in the studio can be fixed simply by re-soldering a cable or solder joint that has come loose. So how […]

The Future of Audio Interface Connections: Thunderbolt

You may or may not have heard of the newest high speed data connection on the market by the name of Thunderbolt. If not you are in the right place Thunderbolt is a revolutionary new connection for your laptop or desktop computer. It has data transfer rates that simply blow previous Firewire and USB connections […]

Home Studios Challenge The Big Guys

Could you image your home studio competing at the same level as a commercial studio? Well there is a very interesting article that i found in the Tennessean that asks this very question. With the amount of people in the Nashville area that have home studios, the entire industry has been flooded, and the value […]

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